Allergen-Free Cooking, Dining, Shopping Options

Client Lisa Williams, of Lisa Cooks Allergen Free, hosts another allergen free Safe & Sound Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 27 at Rose's Wheat Free Bakery and Cafe, 2901 Central Street, Evanston, Illinois.

Based on the incredible response to the first dinner of its kind, held in March at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago (photos above), Lisa now plans to make her Safe & Sound Dinners on-going occurrences at restaurants and other venues around town.

Following her diagnosis of multiple food allergies, Williams set out on a mission to build a new life around her allergen challenges. But she found the task of researching, navigating, and keeping up-to-date on emerging new information and available resources for allergen free cooking, dining, and shopping to be daunting. With the ever-growing number of Americans living with food allergies now at the 12-million mark, she launched Lisa Cooks Allergen Free, acting as a clearinghouse and information resource for other Chicagoans living with food allergies. Lisa's popular website blog includes weekly allergen-free recipes she's created herself or tested in her own kitchen. In addition, Williams is conducting a series of cooking demonstrations at various Chicago-area locations throughout the spring and summer.

"The number-one thing I've noticed is everyone seems to focus on gluten intolerance, which affects approximately 2.5 million, myself included. But in addition to gluten, there are 8 other major food allergens that make-up 'The Big 8' -- eggs, wheat, dairy, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts -- which affects almost 12-million Americans." says Williams. "These Safe & Sound Dinners are not only gluten-free, but are also free of as many of 'The Big 8' allergens as possible, which is extremely rare and explains why there's been such a strong response to the concept."

Tickets to the Lisa Cooks Allergen Free April 27 Safe & Sound Dinner at Rose's Wheat Free Bakery are $50 per person and require advance reservations. The event features passed appetizers, a complete multi-course dinner and dessert. For reservations or more information visit the site or call 773-665-0430.